Hyacinths are easy to grow spring bulbs having delightful and intense fragrance. The botanical name of hyacinth is Hyacinthus Orientalis, and the bulb develops into linear leaves and spikes. They come in a variety of colors like purple, white, pink, and red. It requires full sun exposure to bloom and is most prevalent in Europe. There are many questions related to hyacinth bulbs, and here are some that we have answered for you to understand his beautiful bulb better.
How to Plant and Grow Hyacinths
For fully bloomed outdoor hyacinths in spring, you should plant them during the autumn season. The bulbs need sunlight to bloom, and for maximum growth, plant hyacinth in a place where it can receive at least six hours of daylight every day. They are easy to grow in well-drained soil and grow 8–12" tall, so you must plant them in the front areas of your garden. They can make a lovely boundary across your garden.
Best Varieties of Hyacinth Bulbs to Grow
The scented hyacinth plant does not come in just one color and kind. There many varieties of them, such as
● Hyacinth Orientalis Blue Jacket
● Hyacinth Orientalis Gypsy Queen
● Hyacinth Orientalis City of Haarlem
● Hyacinthus Orientalis Miss Saigo
● Muscari Armeniacum
● Hyacinth Orientalis Pink Pearl
● Hyacinth Orientalis Jan Bos
All these have unique fragrances and are colorful, and you can plant any of them in your house for a vibrant look and feel.
How Long Will Hyacinths last?
Once bloomed, hyacinth bulbs last for about 1–2 weeks. Temperatures above 65 degrees will cause the bloom to fade quicker. It can be grown in jars full of water, without any soil. You can cut the plastic bottle in a bulb shape or take a pot filled with pebbles and grow hyacinths. That is another way of increasing its soilless.
Do hyacinths come back every year?
Yes, hyacinth plants bloom every year. If you have planted it in your garden in the autumn, it will bloom in the spring, and once bloomed, it will last for a few weeks. The same plant will again bloom in the next year. But it won’t look floriferous after some years of planting them. For the original flowering form, let the foliage die naturally and feed the bulb with potash-rich fertilizer. There are many other fertilizers available in the market that you can use to grow them again. The water hyacinth needs water, plenty of sunlight, and regular care for prosperous flourishing. You can put it outside during the daylight or put it in the corner of the house that gets maximum sunlight. You can also replace them after a couple of years.
Are hyacinths poisonous?
Yes, hyacinth bulbs are poisonous to both pets and human beings. Hyacinth can be sensitive to the skin as it contains oxalic acid. This substance is found in both bulb and the foliage. If you have pretty sensitive skin, wear gloves while planting or handling the bulb. It can also cause stomach and respiratory issues. You have to take care of many things if you decide to grow them. The oxalic acid is also toxic if you eat it, so you need to keep the seeds out of pets’ and children’s reach. The symptoms in humans include skin irritation, rash or hives, nausea, vomiting, and upset stomach. The hyacinth poisoning in animals has symptoms like abdominal pain, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, drooling, nausea, drowsiness, mouth irritation, and pawing at the mouth.
If you have planted it outside, there are chances of it being eaten by squirrels and groundhogs out of curiosity and smell. So, it is advised to keep it away from your lovely pets to save their precious life.
Are hyacinths indoor or outdoor plant?
Hyacinth plant can be grown both indoors and outdoors. The only thing you need to do to be careful is to wear gloves when you feel skin irritation. If you are planting it outdoors, make sure to plant the bulb in a pretty sunny spot in the autumn season. The bulb is planted at a depth of about 10cm, and each bulb about 8cm apart. You have to prepare the soil by removing weeds and adding organic material. Once placed, cover the ground and gently tap it. Water it daily for the next few months for a flourishing plant.
In case you are planning to grow it in a pot, plant it in peat-free, multi-purpose compost. The distance between the bulbs must be about 5cm.
For Christmas display and add a fragrance to the festival, you can grow it indoors. It is advised to buy prepared and heat-treated bulbs for fast-growing. The water hyacinth does not need to be planted as deep as the outdoor ones. You can grow them on a layer of 5cm compost and water it daily. It can also be grown without soil in a glass vase full of water. Fill the jar with water, and place heat-treated bulbs in it. The roots will grow in a cool, dark place and need to be set for about six weeks. Once you see the shoots are about 7–10cm tall, place the jar into whole light for flowers to grow and fully develop water hyacinth. You can water it daily and keep turning the pot around.
What to do after hyacinth has bloomed?
Once the hyacinth plant has bloomed, you can let them stay where you planted them. They will grow back naturally in the following spring season. Make sure you do not remove the foliage, as the leaves will help them grow back again. If you live in a warm climate, you must dig up the bulb and keep it in a cool and dry area for the next 6–8 weeks. If you have indoor water hyacinth indoors, once it has finished flowering, you can move it outside.
You can plant any variety you like of this scented plant and fill your home with “nature’s perfume.”